Pitches and scales are easily visualized on a keyboard. Western Music divides the octave into 12 equal parts. This is sometimes referred to as the chromatic scale. Most music we know is based on 7 note scales called diatonic scales. A scale is an ordering of pitches. Diatonic scales consist of a series of whole-steps and half-steps. The smallest distance between any two notes is called a half-step. a chromatic scales consists of all half-steps. A whole-step is the distance of two half-steps.
A sharp = # -raises a note a half-step
A flat =b -lowers a note a half-step
Major scale- a major scale can be demonstrated by playing the notes
C to C on a keyboard. By noting the pattern of half-steps and
whole-steps a formula can be derived that can be applied to major
scales starting on any note.
H = half-step
W = whole-step
C major scale C D E F G A B C
Formula for major scales = W W H W W W H
G major scale G A B C D E F# G
Minor scale - a minor scale can be demonstrated by playing the
notes A to A on a keyboard. By noting the pattern of half-steps
and whole-steps a formula can be derived that can be applied
to minor scales starting on any note.
C Major Scale
G Major Scale
A Minor Scale