A Melody is a succession of single notes that add up to a recognizable whole.

Melodies are structured in similar way to speech.

Melody  - notes   form  phrases   form   periods

Speech - words  form   phrases   form   sentences

Cadence - occurs at the end of a phrase

    Incomplete Cadence- acts like a comma

    Complete Cadence - acts like a period


Phrase structure can be analyzed by the relating melody of each phrase to what preceded it. There are three relationships to consider.

Letters of the alphabet are used for phrase and form analysis in music.

Repetition       a  a   means the second phrase is the same as the first

Contrast          a  b   means the second phrase is different

Variation         a  a’   means the second phrase is similar in some ways

                                 but different in other ways         

    Sequence -is a particular type of variation when the melodic shape       and rhythms are the same but  the pitches are different.                                                                                                                                                             

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

a  b

Home on the Range

a  a’  b  a’

Mary Had A Little Lamb

a  a’

Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 - beginning


  1. Sequence

  2. Motivic Development